
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Journal 2: Affinity Group & Digg RSS Stream

The affinity group I chose to join this week is “Edmodo,” I made an account and connected myself with the Health and P.E. community so that my feed would show topics in my field. From my experience in Edmodo I wish to learn helpful ways I can better myself as a P.E. teacher, for example: lesson ideas, teaching strategies, effective teaching skills, and much more. When I made my account I noticed that this not only pertained to physical education but the health of teachers themselves. One of the teachers was mentioning that he was a third year teacher who had devoted the last two years to his job/profession and had been feeling exhausted and started gaining weight. During the summer he began to get in shape again and has since then been feeling better in terms of his own personal health. It’s awesome to see that not only is this relating to students, but it is also reaching teachers who also need to be living a healthy lifestyle. I don’t have another physical education teacher to collaborate with at my school, so it would be nice to have some PLC-even if it is via Edmodo! Here is the link to my Edmodo:

Moving on to my Digg RSS stream, throughout the past week I have been monitoring it quite frequently and am surprised with how useful it is! To be honest with you, it’s addicting because all you want to do is try and find as many blogs, websites, and topics of your interests to flood your blog so that you have a variety of information to look through. Not only is this a way to stay up to date on blogs or websites, but this is also a way to acquire new ideas and grow in the future of your education. Physical education is always evolving just like with everything else, new research trickles in as well as the latest methodologies, equipment, exercise fads, etc. I definitely think the coolest part about Digg is that all the information comes straight to you, everything is on the news feed. Not only can you see the different streams, but you may also organize them!
Question #1: Technology in the classroom is absolutely great, however, coming from a school where not every student has a computer at home can be quite challenging. How can we make sites such as Edmodo more accessible for homework/discussion to students?

A1: At the school I work with there is a computer lab, therefore, I can schedule 1 day out of the week for P.E. time on the computers so that everyone has the chance to complete their assignment. Also, there’s a community library in the city I work in which also has computers that the students can use.

Question #2: How would affinity groups benefit the affective domain in physical education?

A2: Many times I see some students a bit shy to answer in front of his or her peers in fear of giving the wrong answer. Giving them discussion questions or assignments via Edmodo will give them an opportunity to voice their opinions through writing, which may be more comfortable for some students. Also, this allows me to open a direct line of communication with all of my students in hopes that my comments will instill more willingness to write about some of the physical education topics I will present. Furthermore, it will assess the students in the cognitive domain and reinforce other standards in other core academic areas such as English, which is something the new Common Core Standards is implementing-integrating multiple subject areas.

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